Physical Review E – March 1995
Volume 51, Issue 3


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Analysis of self-averaging properties in the transport of particles through random media
J. M. López, M. A. Rodríguez, and L. Pesquera
pp. R1637-R1640 [View Page Images or PDF (672 kB)]
Phase ordering of two-dimensional XY systems below the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature
A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray
pp. R1641-R1644 [View Page Images or PDF (695 kB)]
Numerical test of finite-barrier corrections for the hopping rate in the underdamped regime
R. Ferrando, R. Spadacini, G. E. Tommei, and V. I. Mel’nikov
pp. R1645-R1648 [View Page Images or PDF (436 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Cavitation in a flowing liquid
Daniel D. Joseph
pp. R1649-R1650 [View Page Images or PDF (161 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Mean-field phase diagram of a coupled XY-Ising model for discotic liquid crystals
M. Hébert and A. Caillé
pp. R1651-R1654 [View Page Images or PDF (740 kB)]

Plasma Physics

α-particle transport-driven current in tokamaks
J. A. Heikkinen and S. K. Sipilä
pp. R1655-R1658 [View Page Images or PDF (808 kB)]

Biological Physics

Stable spatially periodic patterns of ion channels in biomembranes
Peter Fromherz and Walter Zimmermann
pp. R1659-R1662 [View Page Images or PDF (709 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Driven interfaces in quenched disorder at critical depinning
S. Galluccio and Y.-C. Zhang
pp. 1686-1689 [View Page Images or PDF (626 kB)]
Control in multidimensional chaotic systems by small perturbations
Danilo Gligoroski, Dončo Dimovski, and Viktor Urumov
pp. 1690-1694 [View Page Images or PDF (763 kB)]
Generalized Allen-Cahn equations to describe far-from-equilibrium order-disorder dynamics
J.-F. Gouyet
pp. 1695-1710 [View Page Images or PDF (2,351 kB)]
Renormalization approach to the self-organized critical behavior of sandpile models
Alessandro Vespignani, Stefano Zapperi, and Luciano Pietronero
pp. 1711-1724 [View Page Images or PDF (2,304 kB)]
Virial expansions for quantum plasmas: Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
Angel Alastuey, Françoise Cornu, and Asher Perez
pp. 1725-1744 [View Page Images or PDF (2,456 kB)]
Density waves and 1/f density fluctuations in granular flow
Gongwen Peng and Hans J. Herrmann
pp. 1745-1756 [View Page Images or PDF (2,279 kB)]
Large-time behavior of the generalized Smoluchovski coagulation equations
Yu Jiang
pp. 1757-1761 [View Page Images or PDF (633 kB)]
Correlation properties of a quasiperiodically forced two-level system
Ulrike Feudel, Arkady S. Pikovsky, and Michael A. Zaks
pp. 1762-1769 [View Page Images or PDF (1,175 kB)]
Development of quantum nonintegrability displayed in effective Hamiltonians: A three-level Lipkin model
Xu Gong-ou, Gong Jiang-bin, Wang Wen-ge, Yang Ya-tian, and Fu De-ji
pp. 1770-1779 [View Page Images or PDF (1,349 kB)]
Learning time series evolution by unsupervised extraction of correlations
Gustavo Deco and Bernd Schürmann
pp. 1780-1790 [View Page Images or PDF (1,584 kB)]
Self-avoiding-walk contacts and random-walk self-intersections in variable dimensionality
Jack F. Douglas and Takao Ishinabe
pp. 1791-1817 [View Page Images or PDF (4,469 kB)]
Laminar–localized-phase coexistence in dynamical systems
G. Zumofen and J. Klafter
pp. 1818-1821 [View Page Images or PDF (554 kB)]
Quantum-classical correspondence and the transition to chaos in coupled quartic oscillators
K. M. Atkins and G. S. Ezra
pp. 1822-1837 [View Page Images or PDF (2,948 kB)]
Bifurcations and complete chaos for the diamagnetic Kepler problem
Kai T. Hansen
pp. 1838-1844 [View Page Images or PDF (1,207 kB)]
Tracking unstable periodic orbits in a bronze ribbon experiment
U. Dressler, T. Ritz, A. Schenck zu Schweinsberg, R. Doerner, B. Hübinger, and W. Martienssen
pp. 1845-1848 [View Page Images or PDF (680 kB)]
Inhibition of mixing in chaotic quantum dynamics
B. S. Helmkamp and D. A. Browne
pp. 1849-1857 [View Page Images or PDF (1,661 kB)]
Asymptotic behavior of A+B→ inert for particles with a drift
S. A. Janowsky
pp. 1858-1860 [View Page Images or PDF (406 kB)]
Bifurcation analysis of two coupled periodically driven Duffing oscillators
J. Kozłowski, U. Parlitz, and W. Lauterborn
pp. 1861-1867 [View Page Images or PDF (993 kB)]
Transition-state recrossing dynamics in activated rate processes
Eli Pollak and Peter Talkner
pp. 1868-1878 [View Page Images or PDF (1,676 kB)]
Surface properties and the flow of granular material in a two-dimensional rotating-drum model
Gerald Baumann, Imre M. Jánosi, and Dietrich E. Wolf
pp. 1879-1888 [View Page Images or PDF (1,960 kB)]
Dynamical universality of the nonlinear conserved current equation for growing interfaces
Jin Min Kim and S. Das Sarma
pp. 1889-1893 [View Page Images or PDF (761 kB)]
Critical exponents for a three-dimensional O(n)-symmetric model with n>3
S. A. Antonenko and A. I. Sokolov
pp. 1894-1898 [View Page Images or PDF (690 kB)]
Lamellar structures and self-replicating spots in a reaction-diffusion system
Kyoung J. Lee and Harry L. Swinney
pp. 1899-1915 [View Page Images or PDF (5,026 kB)]
Dynamical phase transitions and self-organized criticality in a theoretical spring-block model
W.-S. Liu, Y. N. Lu, and E. J. Ding
pp. 1916-1928 [View Page Images or PDF (1,887 kB)]
Dynamical origin of spatial order
M. R. Sarkardei and R. L. Jacobs
pp. 1929-1934 [View Page Images or PDF (980 kB)]
Driven particle in an infinite square well: Representation and breakdown of the invariant tori in a multiple-resonance case
M. Z. Fuka, J. K. McIver, W. Becker, M. Orszag, and R. Ramírez
pp. 1935-1947 [View Page Images or PDF (1,928 kB)]
Wavelet correlations in the p model
Martin Greiner, Peter Lipa, and Peter Carruthers
pp. 1948-1960 [View Page Images or PDF (1,797 kB)]
Simulations of pressure fluctuations and acoustic emission in hydraulic fracturing
F. Tzschichholz and H. J. Herrmann
pp. 1961-1970 [View Page Images or PDF (1,883 kB)]
Chaos and low-order corrections to classical mechanics or geometrical optics
Bala Sundaram and P. W. Milonni
pp. 1971-1982 [View Page Images or PDF (1,981 kB)]
Symbolic dynamics analysis of topological entropy and its multifractal structure
Zhong-Xuan Chen, Ke-Fei Cao, and Shou-Li Peng
pp. 1983-1988 [View Page Images or PDF (979 kB)]
Global metric regularity of the devil’s staircase of topological entropy
Ke-Fei Cao, Zhong-Xuan Chen, and Shou-Li Peng
pp. 1989-1995 [View Page Images or PDF (892 kB)]
Decay of the false vacuum through dissipative tunneling
M. Grigorescu and N. Carjan
pp. 1996-2005 [View Page Images or PDF (1,517 kB)]
Sequence of constrained annealed averages for one-dimensional disordered systems
Michele Pasquini, Giovanni Paladin, and Maurizio Serva
pp. 2006-2012 [View Page Images or PDF (976 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Thermal relaxation of supercritical fluids by equilibrium molecular dynamics
Huaqiang Luo, Giovanni Ciccotti, Michel Mareschal, Madeleine Meyer, and Bernard Zappoli
pp. 2013-2021 [View Page Images or PDF (1,476 kB)]
Kinetic roughening in deposition with suppressed screening
Peter Nielaba and Vladimir Privman
pp. 2022-2025 [View Page Images or PDF (724 kB)]
Mass dependence of isotope self-diffusion by molecular dynamics
María J. Nuevo, Juan J. Morales, and David M. Heyes
pp. 2026-2032 [View Page Images or PDF (1,106 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Statistical properties of the heat transport in a model of rotating Bénard convection
M. Neufeld and R. Friedrich
pp. 2033-2045 [View Page Images or PDF (3,004 kB)]
Pattern selection in the generalized Swift-Hohenberg model
M’ F. Hilali, S. Métens, P. Borckmans, and G. Dewel
pp. 2046-2052 [View Page Images or PDF (1,748 kB)]
Wetting on lines and lattices of cylinders
W. R. Osborn and J. M. Yeomans
pp. 2053-2058 [View Page Images or PDF (995 kB)]
Complex Trkalian fields and solutions to Euler’s equations for the ideal fluid
P. R. Baldwin and G. M. Townsend
pp. 2059-2068 [View Page Images or PDF (2,071 kB)]

Complex Fluids

X-ray transmission technique to study carbon dioxide in the critical region
Scott A. Nemmers and Harold D. Bale
pp. 2069-2078 [View Page Images or PDF (1,759 kB)]
Concentration and energy fluctuations in a critical polymer mixture
M. Müller and N. B. Wilding
pp. 2079-2089 [View Page Images or PDF (1,970 kB)]
Calculation of monolayer structures of hydrocarbon chains on transition metal dichalcogenides: Dotriacontane on MoSe2
S. Cincotti, J. Burda, R. Hentschke, and J. P. Rabe
pp. 2090-2098 [View Page Images or PDF (1,559 kB)]
Field-induced forces in colloidal particle chains
H. Zhang and M. Widom
pp. 2099-2103 [View Page Images or PDF (837 kB)]
Scaling of spin-echo amplitudes with frequency, diffusion coefficient, pore size, and susceptibility difference for the NMR of fluids in porous media and biological tissues
Giulio C. Borgia, Robert J. S. Brown, and Paola Fantazzini
pp. 2104-2114 [View Page Images or PDF (2,208 kB)]
Second-order elasticity of liquid crystals within their nematic state at high frequencies
J. K. Krüger, C. Grammes, R. Jiménez, J. Schreiber, K.-P. Bohn, J. Baller, C. Fischer, D. Rogez, C. Schorr, and P. Alnot
pp. 2115-2128 [View Page Images or PDF (2,398 kB)]
Electric-field-induced optical rotation in the pretransitional isotropic region of chiral nematic liquid crystals
Jaskaran S. Kang and David A. Dunmur
pp. 2129-2136 [View Page Images or PDF (1,300 kB)]
Dynamics of confined liquids under shear
M. Urbakh, L. Daikhin, and J. Klafter
pp. 2137-2141 [View Page Images or PDF (823 kB)]
Models of polymer collapse in three dimensions: Evidence from kinetic growth simulations
T. Prellberg and A. L. Owczarek
pp. 2142-2149 [View Page Images or PDF (1,291 kB)]
Self-diffusion in networks of CPClO3 wormlike micelles
N. Morié, W. Urbach, and D. Langevin
pp. 2150-2156 [View Page Images or PDF (1,246 kB)]
Heat-capacity study of nematic-isotropic and nematic–smectic-A transitions for octylcyanobiphenyl in silica aerogels
L. Wu, B. Zhou, C. W. Garland, T. Bellini, and D. W. Schaefer
pp. 2157-2165 [View Page Images or PDF (1,546 kB)]
Orientation of alkyl chains and hindered rotation of carbonyl groups in the smectic-C* phase of antiferroelectric liquid crystals studied by polarized Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Kyeong Hyeon Kim, Ken Ishikawa, Hideo Takezoe, and Atsuo Fukuda
pp. 2166-2175 [View Page Images or PDF (1,637 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Chiral nematic droplets with tangential anchoring and negative dielectric anisotropy in an electric field
J. Bajc, J. Bezić, and S. Žumer
pp. 2176-2189 [View Page Images or PDF (2,539 kB)]
Relaxation dynamics in suspensions of ferromagnetic particles
M. C. Miguel and J. M. Rubí
pp. 2190-2198 [View Page Images or PDF (1,383 kB)]
Mechanisms of fluid spreading: Ising model simulations
A. Lukkarinen, K. Kaski, and D. B. Abraham
pp. 2199-2202 [View Page Images or PDF (824 kB)]
Viscosity coefficients of partially aligned nematic and nematic discotic liquid crystals
Harald Ehrentraut and Siegfried Hess
pp. 2203-2212 [View Page Images or PDF (1,377 kB)]
Branched polymers on Bethe and Husimi lattices
A. J. Banchio and P. Serra
pp. 2213-2222 [View Page Images or PDF (1,408 kB)]
Investigating the nematic–smectic-A transition by capillary-length measurements near an apparent tricritical point
Nancy Tamblyn, Patrick Oswald, Angelo Miele, and John Bechhoefer
pp. 2223-2236 [View Page Images or PDF (2,605 kB)]
Symmetry and phase transitions in Langmuir monolayers: The Landau theory
V. M. Kaganer and E. B. Loginov
pp. 2237-2249 [View Page Images or PDF (2,695 kB)]
Absence of anomalous dispersion features in the inelastic neutron scattering spectra of water at both sides of the melting transition
F. J. Bermejo, M. Alvarez, S. M. Bennington, and R. Vallauri
pp. 2250-2262 [View Page Images or PDF (2,431 kB)]
Percus-Yevick approximation for fluids with spontaneous partial order
Hua Zhong and Rolfe G. Petschek
pp. 2263-2271 [View Page Images or PDF (1,555 kB)]
Stretch transition in a polymer brush
Pik-Yin Lai and Jau-Ann Chen
pp. 2272-2276 [View Page Images or PDF (793 kB)]
Anomalous relaxation in fractal structures
Susumu Fujiwara and Fumiko Yonezawa
pp. 2277-2285 [View Page Images or PDF (1,314 kB)]
Complete unbinding of fluid membranes in the presence of short-ranged forces
Roland R. Netz
pp. 2286-2294 [View Page Images or PDF (1,506 kB)]
Microscopic theory of binary mixtures of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals
Agnieszka Chrzanowska and Krzysztof Sokalski
pp. 2295-2307 [View Page Images or PDF (1,495 kB)]
Small-angle neutron-scattering study of micellar structure and interparticle interactions in Triton X-100 solutions
P. S. Goyal, S. V. G. Menon, B. A. Dasannacharya, and P. Thiyagarajan
pp. 2308-2315 [View Page Images or PDF (1,372 kB)]
Hydrodynamical modes and light scattering in the liquid-crystalline cubic blue phases. I. Elastic theory
Holger Stark and Hans-Rainer Trebin
pp. 2316-2325 [View Page Images or PDF (1,460 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Hydrodynamical modes and light scattering in the liquid-crystalline cubic blue phases. II. Dynamic theory
Holger Stark and Hans-Rainer Trebin
pp. 2326-2340 [View Page Images or PDF (2,193 kB)]
Light-scattering studies on water–nonionic-amphiphile solutions
Francesco Mallamace, Domenico Lombardo, Norberto Micali, Sebastiano Trusso, and Cirino Vasi
pp. 2341-2348 [View Page Images or PDF (1,586 kB)]
Rotational dynamics of water molecules in a water–short-chain-nonionic-amphiphile mixture: Depolarized light scattering
Norberto Micali, Sebastiano Trusso, Cirino Vasi, Francesco Mallamace, Domenico Lombardo, Giuseppe Onori, and Aldo Santucci
pp. 2349-2355 [View Page Images or PDF (1,410 kB)]
Stabilizing effect of elasticity is not enough to resolve discrepancies in observations concerning a moving nematic-isotropic interface
John Bechhoefer and Stephen A. Langer
pp. 2356-2362 [View Page Images or PDF (1,252 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Apparent rate constant for diffusion-controlled three-molecule reactions
S. F. Burlatsky and M. Moreau
pp. 2363-2367 [View Page Images or PDF (650 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Development of a plasma waveguide for high-intensity laser pulses
C. G. Durfee, III, J. Lynch, and H. M. Milchberg
pp. 2368-2389 [View Page Images or PDF (4,542 kB)]
Modulational processes and limits of weak turbulence theory
Sergey V. Vladimirov and Sergey I. Popel
pp. 2390-2400 [View Page Images or PDF (1,857 kB)]
Arbitrary-amplitude electrostatic traveling structures in a plasma
Alexander O. Harin and Valentin O. Strasser
pp. 2401-2406 [View Page Images or PDF (799 kB)]
Dispersion relation and the dieletric tensor for magnetized plasmas with inhomogeneous magnetic field
R. Gaelzer, R. S. Schneider, and L. F. Ziebell
pp. 2407-2424 [View Page Images or PDF (2,913 kB)]
Negative ions in a radio-frequency oxygen plasma
E. Stoffels, W. W. Stoffels, D. Vender, M. Kando, G. M. W. Kroesen, and F. J. de Hoog
pp. 2425-2435 [View Page Images or PDF (1,930 kB)]
Charged-species profiles in electronegative radio-frequency plasmas
D. Vender, W. W. Stoffels, E. Stoffels, G. M. W. Kroesen, and F. J. de Hoog
pp. 2436-2444 [View Page Images or PDF (1,534 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Convective growth of cyclotron harmonic waves on a bounded coaxial electron beam
J. L. Hirshfield and Changbiao Wang
pp. 2445-2455 [View Page Images or PDF (1,793 kB)]
Energy limit in cyclotron autoresonance acceleration
Changbiao Wang and J. L. Hirshfield
pp. 2456-2464 [View Page Images or PDF (1,335 kB)]
Local dispersion insert for particle accelerators
Vladimir Visnjic
pp. 2465-2471 [View Page Images or PDF (937 kB)]
Three-dimensional coupled-mode theory of free-electron lasers in the collective regime
Y. Pinhasi and A. Gover
pp. 2472-2479 [View Page Images or PDF (1,189 kB)]
Acoustic laser with dispersed particles as an analog of a free-electron laser
S. T. Zavtrak
pp. 2480-2484 [View Page Images or PDF (625 kB)]
Symplectic tracking using point magnets and a reference orbit made of circular arcs and straight lines
G. Parzen
pp. 2485-2492 [View Page Images or PDF (830 kB)]
Coherent bremsstrahlung at the B factories SLAC PEP-II and KEK Tristan-B
S. I. Polityko and V. G. Serbo
pp. 2493-2497 [View Page Images or PDF (716 kB)]
Trapped modes in waveguides with many small discontinuities
Sergey S. Kurennoy
pp. 2498-2509 [View Page Images or PDF (2,101 kB)]
Quantum mechanics of charged-particle beam transport through magnetic lenses
S. A. Khan and R. Jagannathan
pp. 2510-2515 [View Page Images or PDF (962 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Application of Gegenbauer analysis to light scattering from spheres: Theory
I. K. Ludlow and J. Everitt
pp. 2516-2526 [View Page Images or PDF (1,427 kB)]
Pulse switching in nonlinear fiber directional couplers
I. M. Uzunov, R. Muschall, M. Gölles, Yuri S. Kivshar, B. A. Malomed, and F. Lederer
pp. 2527-2537 [View Page Images or PDF (1,924 kB)]
Minimal model for avalanches in granular systems
Stefan J. Linz and Peter Hänggi
pp. 2538-2542 [View Page Images or PDF (828 kB)]
Floquet-Bloch waves in periodic chiral media
G. Ya. Slepyan, A. V. Gurevich, and S. A. Maksimenko
pp. 2543-2549 [View Page Images or PDF (1,113 kB)]
Boundary-value problems of enhanced backscattering in a random medium and the inner structure of the Bethe-Salpeter equation
Koichi Furutsu
pp. 2550-2565 [View Page Images or PDF (2,271 kB)]
Quasiperiodic solutions of discretized Korteweg–de Vries equations
J. Zagrodziński
pp. 2566-2572 [View Page Images or PDF (946 kB)]
Momentum-dependent potentials: Towards the molecular dynamics of fermionlike classical particles
P. Cordero and E. S. Hernández
pp. 2573-2580 [View Page Images or PDF (1,325 kB)]

Biological Physics

Order-parameter flow in symmetric and nonsymmetric fully connected attractor neural networks near saturation
S. N. Laughton and A. C. C. Coolen
pp. 2581-2599 [View Page Images or PDF (1,915 kB)]
Scaling regimes of molecular size and self-entanglements in very compact proteins
Gustavo A. Arteca
pp. 2600-2610 [View Page Images or PDF (1,914 kB)]
Qualitative analysis of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with multiple delays
Hui Ye, Anthony N. Michel, and Kaining Wang
pp. 2611-2618 [View Page Images or PDF (1,137 kB)]
Dynamics of associative memory with a general transfer function
Ioan Opriş
pp. 2619-2623 [View Page Images or PDF (629 kB)]
Time-frequency analysis of electroencephalogram series
S. Blanco, R. Quian Quiroga, O. A. Rosso, and S. Kochen
pp. 2624-2631 [View Page Images or PDF (1,441 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Suppression of higher harmonics at noise induced resonances
Peter Jung and Peter Talkner
pp. 2640-2643 [View Page Images or PDF (530 kB)]
Self-avoiding walks including next-nearest-neighbor steps
K. S. S. Narayanan and K. De’Bell
pp. 2644-2646 [View Page Images or PDF (440 kB)]
Exact distributions of eigenvalue curvatures for time-reversal-invariant chaotic systems
Felix von Oppen
pp. 2647-2650 [View Page Images or PDF (633 kB)]
Data compressibility, physical entropy, and evolutionary a priori relation between observer and object
Konrad Oexle
pp. 2651-2653 [View Page Images or PDF (427 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Dynamics of liquid and strongly supercooled alkali metals by instantaneous normal-mode analysis
R. Vallauri and F. J. Bermejo
pp. 2654-2657 [View Page Images or PDF (653 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Confined semiflexible polymer chains
Jörg Hendricks, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Kyozi Kawasaki, and Walter Zimmermann
pp. 2658-2661 [View Page Images or PDF (686 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Alfvén current drive in magnetic traps
V. S. Tsypin, A. G. Elfimov, C. A. de Azevedo, and A. S. de Assis
pp. 2662-2664 [View Page Images or PDF (424 kB)]

Biological Physics

Reconstructing phylogeny from the multifractal spectrum of mitochondrial DNA
James A. Glazier, Sridhar Raghavachari, Cheryl L. Berthelsen, and Mark H. Skolnick
pp. 2665-2668 [View Page Images or PDF (603 kB)]


Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Extended self-similarity in turbulent flows’ ’’
R. Benzi, S. Ciliberto, R. Tripiccione, C. Baudet, F. Massaioli, and S. Succi
pp. 2672-2673 [View Page Images or PDF (278 kB)]
Comment on ‘‘Surface critical exponents of self-avoiding walks on a square lattice with an adsorbing linear boundary: A computer simulation study’’
Peter Grassberger and Rainer Hegger
pp. 2674-2676 [View Page Images or PDF (342 kB)]
Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Surface critical exponents of self-avoiding walks on a square lattice with an adsorbing linear boundary: A computer simulation study’ ’’
Hagai Meirovitch and Iksoo Chang
pp. 2677-2679 [View Page Images or PDF (483 kB)]